Recent projects from Fintown platform.
Projects published on Fintown platform to invest. Fintown publishes only professionally selected and most attractive projects. Don't miss the opportunity to invest in a stable source of passive income.
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Development - Michle - LOT 8
Goal: 150000 €
Rised: 84000 €
Development - Michle - LOT 7
Goal: 150000 €
Rised: 102000 €
Early Rental - Ricany - LOT 13
Goal: 150000 €
Rised: 145500 €
Early Rental - Ricany - LOT 15
Goal: 200000 €
Rised: 6000 €
Early Rental - Ricany - LOT 14
Goal: 100000 €
Rised: 8000 €
Development - Michle - LOT 6
Goal: 150000 €
Rised: 99000 €
Early Rental - Ricany - LOT 12
Goal: 50000 €
Rised: 43500 €
Early Rental - Ricany - LOT 9
Goal: 50000 €
Rised: 44500 €
Development - Michle - LOT 5
Goal: 150000 €
Rised: 109500 €